What's new in CppDepend 2019!

CppDepend v2019.3

Advanced support for Qt projects

CppDepend 2019.3 provides now the possibility to choose the right Qt Kit for the analysis.

Support for Embedded projects

    Out of the box support for Embedded projects using:

  • Code Composer Studio,
  • Renesas studio,
  • Arm Studio.

Support for Eclipse projects

Out of the box support of Eclipse projects

CppDepend v2019.2

Support for Visual Studio 2019

  • CppDepend 2019.2 supports Visual Studio 2019.
  • CppDepend 2019.2 also supports Visual Studio 2017, 2015, 2013, 2012 and 2010.
  • If several Visual Studio 2019 SKUs are installed (Enterprise, Professional, Community) it is possible to install the CppDepend Visual Studio extension in one or several SKUs.

Simplified menu for the Visual Studio extension

  • A new beginner menu shown per default offers direct access to each feature.
  • The query, rule, quality gate and trend metric generated by clicking under the New menu now contains the relevant urls to the online documentation.
  • The user can switch back and forth between the beginner menu and the standard menu

Deferred Visual Studio 2017/2019 Extension Loading

  • The CppDepend VS extension is now an AsyncPackage loaded on user request after startup.
    As a consequence, Visual Studio startup performance is no longer impacted by CppDepend which now complies with the May 2018 - Visual Studio 2017 extension load policy.

  • The CppDepend extension is loaded after a few seconds of VS2017 inactivity or on user request.
    To have CppDepend VS2017 extension load at startup (i.e. the prior default behavior), just leave one or more CppDepend windows open when closing VS2017.
    The CppDepend window left open will then force VS2017 to load the CppDepend extension at startup.
  • CppDepend extension startup performance cost is negligible but now startup is even faster because more processing is delegated to the pool thread.

CppDepend v2019.1

Misra C++ standard support

MISRA C++ is a set of software development guidelines for the C programming language developed by MISRA (Motor Industry Software Reliability Association). Its aims are to facilitate code safety, security, portability, and reliability. CppDepend 2019 provides now out of the box 90 MISRA guidelines

Plugins execution optimization

The external plugins Clang-Tidy and Vera++ could take a long time to achieve the analysis. And in order to get the CppDepend results quickly, the execution of the plugins are now executed in asynchronous mode. Their results will be loaded as soon as the analysis is done.

Clang tidy customization

The Clang tidy tool check against many standards and guidelines which makes it very slow, To optimize its execution you can now change its command line arguments to check only what you want as guidelines.

With CppDepend, software quality can be measured using Code Metrics, visualized using Graphs and Treemaps, and enforced using standard and custom Rules.

CppDepend offers a wide range of features. It is often described as a Swiss Army Knife for C and C++ developers.

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