Master Cert C++ Compliance with CppDepend

Achieve Cert C++ Compliance Seamlessly with CppDepend


In today's competitive software development landscape, maintaining high-quality and secure code is essential. The Cert C++ coding standard serves as a guideline for creating reliable and safe C++ applications. But how can developers efficiently achieve Cert C++ compliance in their projects?

Enter CppDepend, a comprehensive tool specifically designed to help you navigate the complexities of the Cert C++ standard. By utilizing static analysis techniques, CppDepend not only guides you towards compliance, but also empowers you to enhance overall code quality and security.

To learn Cert C++ Standards, you can print this SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard documentation by Aaron Ballman.

Using Cert C++ Rules in CppDepend

When you create a new CppDepend Project, a pop-up will appear displaying all the coding standards you would like to include in your analysis. To include Cert C++ coding standards, check the Cert option and choose Cert C++.

cert c++ rules in CppDepend

After analyzing your project, Navigate to the Queries and Rules Explorer section, and select the Cert C++ Rules from the left-hand menu (Highlighted in red in the image below). This will display all the related Cert C++ rules on the right. Upon clicking a Rule, the corresponding CQLinq query and the relevant source code will be automatically generated. Additionally, the Metrics View section provides a visualization of the issue's location and significance.

cert c++ rules in CppDepend

Incorporating Cert C++ Rules into the HTML Report

To include the Cert C++ rules in the generated HTML Report (available in the DevOps Edition), simply right-click on the Cert C++ group and select "List Code Queries of this Group in a dedicated section in Report."

Add Cert C++ Rules to Report

List of Cert C++ Rules

CppDepend offers support for 38 Cert C++ standard queries.

To gain a deeper understanding of each rule and its functionality, please consult SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard documentation by Aaron Ballman.

Declarations and Initialization

  • DCL50-CPP: Do not define a C-style variadic function: Passing arguments via an ellipsis bypasses the type checking performed by the compiler. Additionally, passing an argument with non-POD class type leads to undefined behaviour.

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from m in JustMyCode.Methods where m.IsVariadic
    select m

  • DCL51-CPP: Do not declare or define a reserved identifier:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0         
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_pp_macro_is_reserved_id" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • DCL52-CPP: Never qualify a reference type with const or volatile:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0         
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="err_invalid_reference_qualifier_application" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • DCL53-CPP: Do not write syntactically ambiguous declarations:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0         
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_empty_parens_are_function_decl" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • DCL54-CPP: Overload allocation and deallocation functions as a pair in the same scope:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from n in JustMyCode.Methods.Where(m=>m.SimpleName=="operatornew")  where  JustMyCode.Methods.Where(m=>m.SimpleName=="operatordelete").Count()==0
    select n

  • DCL57-CPP: Do not let exceptions escape from destructors or deallocation functions:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0         
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="CppCheck" && issue.Type=="exceptThrowInDestructor" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • DCL58-CPP: Do not modify the standard namespaces:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 from codeElement  in JustMyCode.CodeElements  where codeElement.Parents.Where(t=>t.IsNamespace && t.Name=="std").Count()>0
    select codeElement

  • DCL59-CPP: Do not define an unnamed namespace in a header file:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count>0 from n in Namespaces
    where n.Name.StartsWith("anonymous_namespace") && n.Name.Contains(".h")
    select n

Expressions (Exp)

Memory Management (MEM)

  • MEM50-CPP:Do not access freed memory:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="CppCheck" && issue.Type=="nullPointer" 
    select new { issue, issue.FilePath, Line = issue.BeginLine ,
    Debt = 10.ToMinutes().ToDebt(),
    Severity =Severity.High

  • MEM51-CPP:Properly deallocate dynamically allocated resources:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_mismatched_delete_new" 
    select new { issue, issue.FilePath, Line = issue.BeginLine ,
    Debt = 10.ToMinutes().ToDebt(),
    Severity =Severity.High

  • MEM53-CPP. Explicitly construct and destruct objects when manually managing object lifetime:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="CppCheck" && issue.Type=="uninitdata" 
    select new { issue, issue.FilePath, Line = issue.BeginLine ,
    Debt = 10.ToMinutes().ToDebt(),
    Severity =Severity.High

  • MEM56-CPP:Do not store an already-owned pointer value in an unrelated smart pointer:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="CppCheck" && issue.Type=="doubleFree" 
    select new { issue, issue.FilePath, Line = issue.BeginLine ,
    Debt = 10.ToMinutes().ToDebt(),
    Severity =Severity.High

  • MEM57-CPP: Avoid using default operator new for over-aligned types:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang-Tidy" && issue.Type=="cert-mem57-cpp" 
    select new { issue, issue.FilePath, Line = issue.BeginLine ,
    Debt = 10.ToMinutes().ToDebt(),
    Severity =Severity.High

Exceptions and Error Handling (ERR)

  • ERR51-CPP: Handle all exceptions:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from m in JustMyCode.Methods where m.IsEntryPoint
    && m.IsUsing("Keywords.generic_catch".AllowNoMatch()) select m 

  • ERR52-CPP: Do not use setjmp() or longjmp():

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="cert-err52-cpp" 
    select new { issue, issue.FilePath, Line = issue.BeginLine ,
    Debt = 10.ToMinutes().ToDebt(),
    Severity =Severity.High

  • ERR53-CPP: Do not reference base classes or class data members in a constructor or destructor function-try-block handler:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" 
    select new { issue, issue.FilePath, Line = issue.BeginLine ,
    Debt = 10.ToMinutes().ToDebt(),
    Severity =Severity.High

  • ERR54-CPP: Catch handlers should order their parameter types from most derived to least derived:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    // <Name></Name>
    warnif count > 0 from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" 
    select new { issue, issue.FilePath, Line = issue.BeginLine ,
    Debt = 10.ToMinutes().ToDebt(),
    Severity =Severity.High

  • ERR58-CPP. Handle all exceptions thrown before main() begins executing:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang-Tidy" && issue.Type=="cert-err58-cpp" 
    select new { issue, issue.FilePath, Line = issue.BeginLine ,
    Debt = 10.ToMinutes().ToDebt(),
    Severity =Severity.High

  • ERR60-CPP: Exception objects must be nothrow copynconstructible:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang-Tidy" && issue.Type=="cert-err60-cpp" 
    select new { issue, issue.FilePath, Line = issue.BeginLine ,
    Debt = 10.ToMinutes().ToDebt(),
    Severity =Severity.High

  • ERR61-CPP: Catch exceptions by lvalue reference:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="CppCheck" && issue.Type=="catchExceptionByValue" 
    select new { issue, issue.FilePath, Line = issue.BeginLine ,
    Debt = 10.ToMinutes().ToDebt(),
    Severity =Severity.High

Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • OOP50-CPP: Do not invoke virtual functions from constructors or destructors:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    from m in JustMyCode.Methods.Where(m=>(m.IsConstructor || m.IsDestructor) 
    && m.MethodsCalled.Where(s=>s.IsVirtual).Count()>0)
    select m

  • OOP52-CPP: Do not delete a polymorphic object without a virtual destructor:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_delete_non_virtual_dtor" 
    select new { issue, issue.FilePath, Line = issue.BeginLine ,
    Debt = 10.ToMinutes().ToDebt(),
    Severity =Severity.High

  • OOP53-CPP: Write constructor member initializers in the canonical order:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_initializer_out_of_order" 
    select new { issue, issue.FilePath, Line = issue.BeginLine ,
    Debt = 10.ToMinutes().ToDebt(),
    Severity =Severity.High

  • OOP54-CPP: Gracefully handle self-copy assignment:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="CppCheck" && issue.Type=="operatorEqToSelf" 
    select new { issue, issue.FilePath, Line = issue.BeginLine ,
    Debt = 10.ToMinutes().ToDebt(),
    Severity =Severity.High

  • OOP57-CPP. Prefer special member functions and overloaded operators to C Standard Library functions:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang-Tidy" && issue.Type=="cert-oop57-cpp" 
    select new { issue, issue.FilePath, Line = issue.BeginLine ,
    Debt = 10.ToMinutes().ToDebt(),
    Severity =Severity.High

  • OOP58-CPP: Copy operations must not mutate the source object:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang-Tidy" && issue.Type=="cert-oop58-cpp" 
    select new { issue, issue.FilePath, Line = issue.BeginLine ,
    Debt = 10.ToMinutes().ToDebt(),
    Severity =Severity.High

Miscellaneous (MSC)

  • MSC50-CPP: Do not use std::rand() for generating pseudorandom numbers:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang-Tidy" && issue.Type=="cert-msc50-cpp" 
    select new { issue, issue.FilePath, Line = issue.BeginLine ,
    Debt = 10.ToMinutes().ToDebt(),
    Severity =Severity.High

  • MSC51-CPP. Ensure your random number generator is properlyseeded:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang-Tidy" && issue.Type=="cert-msc51-cpp" 
    select new { issue, issue.FilePath, Line = issue.BeginLine ,
    Debt = 10.ToMinutes().ToDebt(),
    Severity =Severity.High


  • CTR50-CPP: Guarantee that container indices and iterators are within the valid range:

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_array_index_exceeds_bounds" 
    select new { issue, issue.FilePath, Line = issue.BeginLine ,
    Debt = 10.ToMinutes().ToDebt(),
    Severity =Severity.High

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